WaterNSW - www.waternsw.com.au/

WaterNSW is a State-Owned Corporation established under the Water NSW Act 2014 and operates under an Operating Licence issued and monitored by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). We operate the state’s rivers and water supply systems in accordance with the rules set out by regulators. With more than 40 dams across the state, we supply two-thirds of water used in NSW to regional towns, irrigators, Sydney Water Corporation and local water utilities. We also own and operate the largest surface and groundwater monitoring network in the southern hemisphere and build, maintain and operate essential infrastructure. Our purpose is to improve the availability of water resources that are essential to the people of NSW.

David Stockler – Executive Manager, Customer & Community - WaterNSW

"Our customers and staff are an integral part of communities across every corner of NSW, many of which are currently living through the worst drought on record.

Being such an important service provider to rural businesses and communities across the state, WaterNSW is always looking for ways to improve our services and better assist our customers. I see our involvement in the Thriving Communities Partnership as a very real way for us to grow and shape the way WaterNSW and our people provide meaningful support to customers that may be experiencing hardship or affordability issues.

I’m looking forward to our teams working with other members to build a strong and successful regional NSW chapter."


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