SA Water - sawater.com.au
We are South Australia’s leading provider of water and sewerage services for more than 1.7 million people. For more than 160 years we have been working together with South Australians to ensure a reliable supply of safe, clean water and a dependable sewerage system. We are committed to ensuring our services represent excellent value.
Our customers are at the heart of all we do and we work with them to ensure our future planning reflects their priorities and to provide support when it is needed.
Our Customer Assist Program helps residential customers experiencing short and long-term financial difficulty. Together with these customers, we help manage their service costs through staggered bill payments, develop an agreed flexible plan and ensure regular review checks to provide support. This program proudly aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and is part of our commitment to reducing inequality, working in partnership, no poverty and providing clean water and sanitation.
Roch Cheroux, Chief Executive SA Water
“We are proud to be a founding partner in the Thriving Communities Partnership. Our vision is to provide world class water services for a better life. With Thriving Communities we can work collaboratively on cross-sector programs that support the most vulnerable people in our community. Working together means those improvements will be bigger and better for our customers than if we tried to do it alone.”